Thursday, January 2, 2020

To Be Continued...

Well, Hello 2020! Here you are, the year that so many of us have used as the north star for myriad of goals. The year when we thought there'd be flying cars, an end to homelessness, and a hangover cure that actually worked. The year that begins a new decade and maybe brings us a new president (fingers crossed). The year I turn 52 - still single, still living with an awesome dog albeit a different one, still wondering what the heck I'm doing with my life.

I decided late in 2019 that I was going to do another year, and maybe forever, of not buying anything new. I forgot that I had called this blog Buy the Way, so it took me half an hour to find it online! And while my initial inclination was to update the name, I think Buy the Way still fits. This will be a place for random thoughts, mostly focused on what and how I spend my money and what that says about my life and my place in the world, if anything. As I said in my first post a decade ago, I like to write and don't do it much, so this gives me that opportunity.

So, another year of not buying anything new, huh? Why do this with focused intention again? There are several reasons but a main one is that I'm tired of moving my 'things' around all of the time. I posted about this a decade ago and it still applies. Think about it - how often are you moving your things around, putting them where they need to go, washing them, organizing them? I just spent the last week over the holidays going through most of the crap in my house. I've taken two huge piles of clothes, jewelry, shoes, and linens to my favorite resale store, Repeat Boutique I've taken a lot of random stuff to Arc and a bin full of paper, magazines, etc. ended up in the recycle bin. Not only do I have lots of things, I save lots of pieces of paper. Seriously, why so much paper!?

I already love resale, thrift, flea markets, and antique stores, so doing this isn't a huge stretch. While I do want to reduce my footprint, as it were, I also want to think about how not buying anything new affects my day-to-day. Am I more productive, focused and able to make some long-term goals, try something new perhaps?  Does doing this even help, does anyone care? Does it matter? I might be the only one that cares but I'm good with that. Doing this makes me feel like I'm living my values.

Don't get me wrong, I'm a real good consumer. I buy things I don't need mostly when I'm bored. I think I'm avoiding, unconsciously, being more productive and maybe trying something I'm afraid to do. Scrolling through online stores or Facebook and Instagram, chock full of ads both of them, is truly avoidant of something infinitely cooler. Thankfully, I don't have extravagant taste although my recent addiction to Athleta feels extravagant. At my age, comfort takes precedence over pretty much everything. Wearing clothing that doesn't make me want to kill someone, or at the very least take my bra off at my desk and hope that no one can tell, has become priority number one for me!

There is no shortage of blogs about this topic. See and While in vogue, I started this experiment a decade ago and let it get away from me. Now I'm steering myself back and writing about my observations, pet peeves, and lessons learned along the way. I still hate public storage units, have too many pairs of black pants, and too many tchotchkes in my house, but I have a decade more of experience living life and hope that it'll serve me well as I embark again on a year of not buying anything new, aka deprivation.

Here are the rules, as of today at least:
No buying of anything new except for health and beauty aids, or HBA's as my friend Julie calls them, medical items - prescriptions and such, underwear, sympathy cards (let's hope I don't need any of those), car parts and pieces (if I'd only taken that car repair class in high school, right Dad?), safety items like lights for running or actual running shoes, cultural items like tickets to shows, etc., and experiential activities like vacation and general travel. Oh, and anything house related that's not decorative like a new furnace, etc.

And here's the new twist for 2020 - not only am I not buying anything new, I'm not going to buy anything I don't NEED. Now need is subjective, so this could get interesting, but we all know I don't need another pair of black pants, so here we go...

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